I know....some are thinking I have lost my mind. Just when I thought I couldn't put any more on my plate, or have any more responsibilities....I get a puppy for the girls!!!!
But, I can honestly say, I think it's been good for the girls. Lily and Anna are so good with Jake and so gentle. We had Duke and Annabell already when they were born, with Jake, they get to watch him grow and have responsibility in caring for him. Lily actually takes him outside to go potty (with me prompting her to do so, but she does it). Lily came with me to the breeder and got to see Jake's mommy and daddy, and the brother and sister he was leaving behind. I have never seen so many dachshunds in my life!!!
I have really missed Duke and Annabell, but I didn't want a puppy in the house I was renting. Now that I own my home, I felt it was time and I really wanted the girls to have him before Christmas. Lily came up with the name, with a little help from me. Jake Delhomme is our quarterback for the Carolina Panthers (which are having a killer season by the way), and Jake Long is the defensive tackle for the Miami Dolphins (Dales team)...so with that.....Jake it is!!!!! Will keep you all posted, but I did forget about the puppy stage, potty training and that sad puppy cry!!! He loves to sleep with us, I put him with Lily first and she actually falls asleep faster now. Then when I go to bed, I take him in with me. Lily is a rough sleeper and Jake is just too little to handle himself in her bed. Right now he only weighs 2.2 pounds. we've had him at the vet and he is in excellent health....yay for us!!!!
.....and the wonder of it all