Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanksgiving in Lenoir.....

Lily, Anna, Grammy, Dale and myself all traveled to Lenoir, NC to spend Thanksgiving with the Pendergrafts (Ken's sister Katy and her family). It was one of the most beautiful days, all the cousins and uncles were outside throwing the football to one another. I can honestly say that I had an emotional moment watching from the backyard. It was almost something you see in a movie and walk away knowing how much everyone truly loved eachother and were thankful for all the good things they have in their life.
I for one, was sure thankful for my beautiful little girls, having my mother in for a great visit, and most of all still feeling a part of the girl's family, even though Ken and I are not together, I love his family and had hoped I would maintain some kind of connection with them. Charles and Katy have been wonderful and I will be forever grateful for them opening their home to me and my new life to continue to be involved and love Lily and Anna.
Some of these photos capture the day; me and the girls, Lily with her cousin Sara and Lily with her Grammy and Gaga.
Great day and one I know I will remember for some time.
......and the wonder of it all

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