...well where do I start with life these past few weeks. I guess to start off on a sad note, Lily and Anna's granfather passed away this past Saturday. Although he is in a much better place and out of pain, it was a hard reality to face, that he was gone. The funeral was Wednesday and was truly amazing. The church was filled (the same church Ken and I were married in to boot), so many people loved him. He was a wonderful man and I feel blessed that I was loved by him. Lily took the news pretty hard, she will still ask me every morning, "did Grandad really die and go to heaven?" She loved him sooo much....
The winter moves on, but we actually had some snow to enjoy this past week as well. Of course school was cancelled, Charlotte does not know what to do when snow falls. We had about 3 inches and was a lot of fun to play in....that is until we couldn't feel our faces or hands anymore from throwing snow balls at eachother.
The girls continue to amaze me everyday. Lily is growing into her own little person. Still struggling with school, partly because she is up at 6am!!! But likes to learn her way and her teacher is also one that needs to retire!! She has taught for 20 years and seems to be a little burned out. But I am trying to do more at home when I have the energy at night. Anna grows everyday and is so easy to love. She is a very intense thing.....lord help us when she doesn't get what she wants, but we love her!!!
......and the wonder of it all!!!
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