We spent this Saturday at Lily's school for a really fun "Faljubilation". A cute little carnival the school puts on to raise money for all the programs desperately in need of funding. Lily's cousin Trent and her Gaga came by to say hi and donate their time and a little cash. They raffle off these amazing baskets of a random mix of stuff. Lily was very excited cause she actually won one of the baskets. She was hoping for the Hannah Montana basket, but again, was very happy with her winnings!!! Mom and Dad volunteered some of their time to monitor the Moon Bounce, while their good friend Colleen walked around with Lily. Colleen came to visit us from Atlanta, taking a break from Chiropractic school. Great day overall, beautiful weather and warm fuzzies watching Lily grow up before my eyes as she freely walked around with confidence and hanging out with her friends from her class. Even a photo op with the school mascot, "Stinger"!....
Just another day to remind me of my blessings and the joys of being a mother with two beautiful daughters.
.....and the wonder of it all