Well....its 2009!!! What a year, I must admit. I am looking forward to a bright new year and making it a great one! This year was tough, I didn't get the girls until Christmas day afternoon. Dale, Emily and I went to go see the movie "Marley and Me". was very good, and a tear jerker. Christmas night was great. The girls ripped through their presents like crazy kids, but they were very happy thats for sure. Lily of course loved her Hannah Montana "Steppin Stage" and plays with it constantly. Grammy was a huge winner with all of her Hannah Montana Barbie Dolls, Auntie P too.
We spent New Years Eve with Emily's mother and had a great time also....Dales dad came by for a visit as well. Lily is now convinced that he is the Real Santa!!! The crew decided to go ice skating downtown on one of the coldest nights, but it brought back great memories for me when I used to skate as a kid. My birthday was spent at Chuck E Cheeses.....I know, hilarious!!! I was sick and had no energy for anything else, but the girls had a blast!
I hope this New Year brings everyone much happiness and joy. I know that I plan to make the most of this year and remember the things in my life that I feel blessed for.
......and the wonder of it all