Lily and I then had dinner with Gaga this past Thursday night for her birthday. Lily thought she was so special because we left Anna at home (in good hands with Dale of course). She loves her Gaga and even picked out her birthday gifts....a black t-shirt that says "BOO", some earrings (that I'm sure will turn Gaga's ears green), and a sweet photo of Lily and Anna. Was a great dinner at Manzetti's with one of Gaga's oldest friends (from elementary school) and a close friend from the Y. Was nice to see Gaga and celebrate another year....has been a hard one for Gaga, but she continues to amaze us all and stomp on through!
Overall, Lily and Anna seem to be doing well. Now and then Lily has a tough time with school, getting up at 6am is hard for anyone. Ken and I went to her parent teacher conference today and she appears to be on track. Just a couple areas that he and I need to focus on....and making sure she gets to school on time. Mommy and Daddy got into a little trouble with her tardies....oops!! She amazes me though everyday, how much she has learned in just a few months....
As for Anna...I could have 10 of her. She is just a bundle of love and smiles. Not too much bothers her, she is just so easy. She loves people and saying hello to just about everyone. Hav to keep an eye on her with the little boys though.
Have to take them both in this week for their flu shot...a check up for Anna. She has been fighting this cold, cough thing now for weeks if not months. Lily has also had some stomach issues off and on. Patty would have a tough time with Lily puking....but took her to the docs last week. May be a little of both a stomach thing and a "all in her head" thing. She seems to be getting along when it comes to the split between Ken and I, but I'm keeping an eye on her and listening to when she needs to talk......overall, were hanging in their and loving eachother as much as possible.....and then some!
.......and the wonder of it all!